The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Belgrave Heritage Trust was held at Cross Corners on Tuesday 9th April at 2pm and was chaired by our Chairman, Richard Norburn. Despite the wet and blustery weather conditions thirteen members, five Trustees and two non-members attended the meeting. Apologies were received from two Trustees and eight members.
The Chairman gave a report on the previous year’s activities, our Secretary gave the financial report which was followed by the re-election of three Trustees.
Under the Trust’s constitution (Constitution number 13. Appointment of Charity trustees), three Trustees are required to stand down at the AGM. This year Sandra Moore, John Dixey and Carolyn Hindocha stood down, and were re-elected on a show of hands from the Members. A change to the Trust’s procedures was made by the Trustees to allow a “show of hands” vote when no new candidates are proposed for election, instead of a “secret” ballot. Given that only three people were standing for re-election, and with nobody proposed for election, this procedure was used which was simpler, saved a significant amount of time and did not require two independent assessors to adjudicate the ballot.
Following the re-election, there were no questions or items submitted prior to the AGM for “Any Other Business”, and the AGM was concluded at 2.35 pm.
Following the AGM, refreshments were provided and everyone was invited to take part in a quiz – “How well do you know Leicester” ; 24 photographs of places in Leicester were displayed which people were asked to identify. Some were easy, some were difficult and one or two were very deceptive! The prize-winning score was 18 correct answers, and thanks go to Nick Fathers and Sandra Moore for producing and organising what proved to be a popular and discussion-provoking quiz.