Centenary of the Death of Margaret Ellis of Belgrave Hall

Centenary of the Death of Margaret Ellis of Belgrave Hall

Following the death of John Ellis  in 1862, his daughters continued to live at Belgrave Hall. On Friday 30th March, 1923, Margaret Ellis (the last surviving Ellis sister) died at home in the Hall. Three days later, on Easter Monday (the 2nd April) she was taken to Belgrave Cemetery to be laid alongside her sisters.

To commemorate the 100th  anniversary of Margaret Ellis’s passing, the Friends of Belgrave Cemetery laid a posy on her grave on Sunday 2nd April 2023 at 12.15 pm. At 12.45 a  a posy was  laid by the Belgrave Heritage Trust at Belgrave Hall. The posies were made from plants from the Hall garden by Chris, the Hall gardener.



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