Following his talk on “Starting your family tree” at our June talk at Cross Corners, a conversation with Peter and his wife Ann (nee Thornton) led to the photographs, below, arriving in our email in-box. The photographs were taken in 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959 and 1961, along with some of the names of the children in the photographs. Are you one of them? Please let us know which photograph, and which is you; if you have any similar photographs that you could share with us then we would be pleased to have a copy either as a scan by yourself, or by the loan of the originals (which would be scanned by us and returned). Equally, if you have any memories of your time at Mellor street School, we would really like to hear about them.
If you have anything to share with us, please send it to our email address or contact our Secretary, Carolyn, (see the “Contact Us” page of the website).