Our Guest Speaker for November – Peter Liddle

30 people (our biggest attendance this year) enjoyed a fascinating presentation by  Peter Liddle on the subject of  “archaeological developments in the Soar Valley between Leicester and Loughborough”.

Although little is known about Belgrave’s archaeology, Peter’s illustrated talk presented the archaeological richness of the valley from prehistory to the middle ages, and gave us a clue to what might have been found in Belgrave. To everyone’s surprise, Rothley is a “hotbed” of archaeological remains, the most recent being the finds at the Rothley Temple housing development just of the A6 dating from the Neolithic period to the Bronze age period.

After the talk, refreshments were served and the opportunity taken by everyone to chat with Peter and other members of the audience.

Peter Liddle has worked in Leicestershire archaeology since 1970 as an excavator, survey officer and museum curator for Leicestershire County Council, where he was Principal Archaeologist after 1997. Following his retirement he has worked with the University of Leicester, where he is a Honorary Visiting Fellow. He is chair of Leicestershire Fieldworkers and organises the Festival of Leicestershire and Rutland Archaeology.