The “I were married there!” display, Belgrave Hall

The “I were married there!” display, Belgrave Hall

In June a special display was opened in the Heritage Room (formerly the Old Laundry) at Belgrave Hall consisting of photographs donated by members and friends of weddings that took place in Belgrave.

Organised and researched by two of our Trustees, Sandra Moore and Nick Fathers, the idea for the display came from many of the visitors to our usual display who commented “I was married there!” either at St. Peter’s or at one of the other Belgrave  churches. A request to borrow any photographs they had resulted in a total of 72 photographs depicting 58 different weddings.

Each original photograph was copied, enlarged, dated and paired with details of the bride and groom, and (where possible) the other members of the family featured in the photograph.

The “star” of the display was a wedding dress worn by Jill Fowkes, the sister of Sandra Moore, who was married at St. Peter’s in 1958. An original Leah Marks dress (see photographs), it looked as new as the day it was worn and attracted a lot of interest from visitors to the display. The dress also featured in two of the wedding photographs, and visitors were challenged to find the photographs. This proved a challenge that most of the ladies achieved, unlike most of the gentlemen!

The display was originally planned to end at the end of June but due to the interest shown by our visitors, the display was extended to Sunday 9th July – an extra weekend was available due to the “Wellbeing” weekend held at the Hall.

Thanks to everyone who loaned or donated the wedding photographs, and especially to Nick and Sandra for the time spent preparing the photographs and researching the details of the weddings, and for the loan of the wedding dress by Sandra.




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